45min Move Into Meditation with Amy Garvey

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20 mins of mindful movement, and 25mins of guided meditation. It can be difficult to drop right into meditation some days, either because your body or your mind feel unsettled, so this practice will help you move through any of that extra physical or mental energy so that you can feel more ready to meditate. Suitable for all levels. Any comfy props you like for meditation may be helpful: some blankets, a bolster or pillow or cushion.

30min All Levels: Explore Different Ways to Use the Block

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All you'll need for this practice is your mat and 1 yoga block. The block is an excellent tool for helping you find proper alignment, and for providing resistance and feedback during your practice. In this brief class, we'll work on generating heat in the hips, we'll move through a basic flow with the help of the block, we'll play with a fun strengthening challenge, and we'll end with a few folds and restoratives. Suitable for all levels.

40min Strengthening Work for the Hips with Amy Garvey

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A slow flow with focus on stabilizing the hips and legs. We’ll approach some familiar poses in a different way so that we can cultivate a balance between effort and ease, and between flexibility and strength. After some of the stability work, we’ll rest in supta baddha konasana for our final rest. Suitable for all levels. Recommended props: optional hand weights (or another heavy object like soup cans), blanket or bath towel for the knees, optional blocks.